Offers Due Monday, December 16, 2019 at 5:00pm Pacific Prevailing Time (PPT)
RFP Overview
Peninsula Clean Energy is excited to launch its 2019 Renewable Request for Proposals (RFP). The goal of this 2019 Renewables Request for Proposals (RFP) is to provide a competitive, objectively administered opportunity for qualified suppliers to propose projects to fulfill certain portions of PCE’s future resource requirements. Specifically, Peninsula Clean Energy plans to enter into one or more Power Purchase and Sale Agreements (PPAs) to purchase energy from eligible renewable resources1 (ERRs) and storage projects. Peninsula Clean Energy is particularly interested in project-specific, bundled power purchase agreements with a term of 2 –8 years, with delivery starting between 2020 – 2024. We expect that the type of projects to participate would be existing renewable projects or stub-PPAs for new projects. Peninsula Clean Energy will release an RFP in the coming months to solicit proposals for new resources with long-term (>10 year) agreements.
RFP Process
As detailed in the schedule below, the RFP will consist of the following phases:
- Question & Answer: Proposers may submit questions concerning the RFP on or prior to Tuesday, December 10, 2019. All questions should be submitted through the form here. All other communications should be directed to: Peninsula Clean Energy will post answers to any questions to the RFP website.
- Offers Due: Proposers Offers must be submitted by 5 PM Pacific on Monday, December 16, and must include the required documents described below.
- Offers should be sent to the following email address: to submit documents into the RFP’s document management system. All documents should be submitted to this email address. No text should be submitted in the body of the email.
- The cumulative size of the attachments cannot exceed 80 MB.
- Please only submit final documents as there is no way for a Participant to delete a document from the system once submitted. You will receive an email confirmation once your document is uploaded to the system.
- Please use the document naming convention: DeveloperName_ProjectName_ProjectVariation_DocumentName.pdf
- Offer Review: Peninsula Clean Energy will evaluate all Offers according to the criteria listed below. During this phase, Peninsula Clean Energy will identify submitted Offers for shortlisting, and then notify Shortlisted Participants. Peninsula Clean Energy expects to notify Short-listed Participants in January 2020.
- Contract Redline: Within one week of shortlist notification, each Shortlisted Participant will provide a redline of Peninsula Clean Energy’s standard contract terms. Peninsula Clean Energy will post a contract pro forma to the RFP website.
- Interviews with Shortlisted Participants: Peninsula Clean Energy may conduct interviews with Shortlisted Parties at PCE’s offices in Redwood City in January 2020.
- Negotiations and Execution: Peninsula Clean Energy will negotiate PPA(s) with shortlisted participants with the intention of executing PPA(s). Peninsula Clean Energy may execute PPAs with selected participants at any time during the negotiation phase or may choose to execute none at all. Selected projects will be presented at a public meeting to PCE’s board for approval, if required.
RFP Schedule
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RFP Documents
- RFP Instructions
- Question and Answer Form
- Responses to Questions Submitted
- Offer Form (Version 2)
- Generation Profile and LMP Historical Data form V.s
- For purposes of this RFP and any final agreement executed pursuant thereto, an ERR is a generating facility that meets all of the criteria set forth in Public Utilities Code Section 399.12, Public Resources Code Section 25741, and the California Energy Commission’s “Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) Eligibility Guidebook,” available at: