Residential Rates
Summer - June 1 through September 30
Winter - October 1 through May 31
Summer On-Peak
4 pm to 9 pm every day
Energy Rate $/kWh
- Peninsula Clean Energy Rate
- $ 0.18948
- With PG&E Surcharges*
- PG&E Generation Rate
- $ 0.20163
- $ 0.22403
Summer Off-Peak
All other hours
Energy Rate $/kWh
- Peninsula Clean Energy Rate
- $ 0.11478
- With PG&E Surcharges*
- PG&E Generation Rate
- $ 0.12693
- $ 0.14103
Winter On-Peak
4 pm to 9 pm every day
Energy Rate $/kWh
- Peninsula Clean Energy Rate
- $ 0.13543
- With PG&E Surcharges*
- PG&E Generation Rate
- $ 0.14758
- $ 0.16398
Winter Off-Peak
All other hours
Energy Rate $/kWh
- Peninsula Clean Energy Rate
- $ 0.11142
- With PG&E Surcharges*
- PG&E Generation Rate
- $ 0.12357
- $ 0.13730
¹ PG&E surcharges are calculated using the 2016 vintage Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA) and Franchise Fee rates
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