Understand Your Bill

Understanding Your Bill

Find answers to your bill-related questions

Do you have questions about your PG&E bill? We can help you understand your bill and answer all of your questions, such as PCE vs. PG&E charges, rates, usage, and more.


PCE & PG&E: Why we both show up on your bill

Simple: We source your electricity. PG&E delivers it.

As your not-for-profit source for electricity, we provide you with lower-cost, clean electricity from renewable sources. Then, PG&E delivers it to you through their wires. 

Think of ordering takeout from your favorite restaurant (that’s PCE) and having a food delivery company (that’s PG&E) deliver it to you. That’s basically how it works with PCE and PG&E. PG&E also sends you the bill, which includes their delivery costs, as well as the electricity you get from us—all on one convenient bill.

PCE’s electricity costs less than PG&E’s.

How is this possible? Because we’re a not-for-profit public agency, our job isn’t to make a profit; it’s to provide you with electricity that is as affordable as possible. And, as a big bonus, it’s clean electricity—at no additional cost.

What is this “Electric Generation” charge on my bill?

If you see a line item for “Peninsula Clean Energy Electricity Generation” on your bill, that’s a good thing: it’s like your magic line of savings. 

It means your overall cost for electricity is lower, because you’re getting clean electricity from us.  

It looks like a fee, but it’s not—it’s the cost of your electricity. You’ll also receive a credit from PG&E, because you’re no longer using their electricity generation.

What is the “Electric Delivery” charge on my bill?

This line item is the cost from PG&E to deliver your electricity to you and to maintain their power lines and infrastructure. PG&E charges its own customers and PCE customers the same rate for delivery charges.

See the savings for yourself using the rate calculator below.

Understand Your Bill

Your bill, explained

We break down the charges you see on your bill from PG&E.

This video gives you a line-by-line explanation of the charges on your monthly bill from PG&E.

Discount Calculator

How much am I saving?

Calculate your savings using the charges on your bill.

What you pay for your electricity from PCE is less than if you bought that same electricity from PG&E. Use this calculator to find out exactly what that means for your monthly budget.


Get help with your bill

Utility bills aren’t always easy to understand. We’re here to help you if you have additional questions.


Keeping up with PCE

Would you like to stay informed about PCE’s efforts to bring clean, affordable electricity to your home?

Illustrations of clean energy initiatives: a business owner, solar-powered home, and EV charging station.