Net Energy Metering Services

Solar Customers

Net energy metering services


This net energy metering (NEM) schedule is applicable to a customer who uses an eligible Renewable Electrical Generation Facility, as defined in PG&E’s Electric Schedule NEM (, within the capacity limits described in PG&E’s Electric Schedule NEM that is located on the customer’s owned, leased, or rented premises, is interconnected and operates in parallel with PG&E’s transmission and distribution systems, and is intended primarily to offset part or all of the customer’s own electrical requirements (hereinafter “eligible customer-generator” or “customer”).

This rate schedule is available on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to the participatory limit(s) established in PG&E Electric Schedule NEM (the “participatory limit”), to customers that satisfy all necessary application, interconnection, and inspection requirements (as described in PG&E Electric Schedule NEM). This NEM schedule also applies to customers served under NEMV (Virtual Net Energy Metering), NEMVMASH (Virtual Net Energy Metering for Multifamily Affordable Housing), NEMA (NEM Aggregation), and Multiple Tariff facilities as described by PG&E Electric Schedule NEM. Once the participatory limit has been reached, this NEM schedule will be closed to new customers.


The entire Peninsula Clean Energy service area.


All rates charged under this NEM schedule will be in accordance with the eligible customer-generator’s otherwise-applicable Peninsula Clean Energy rate schedule (OAS). An eligible customer-generator served under this schedule is responsible for all charges from its OAS including monthly minimum charges, customer charges, meter charges, facilities charges, demand charges and surcharges, and all other charges owed to Peninsula Clean Energy or PG&E – any applicable PG&E charges will be addressed in a corresponding tariff ( Charges for energy (kWh) supplied by Peninsula Clean Energy, will be based on the net metered usage in accordance with this NEM schedule.


 Customers with NEM service will be billed by Peninsula Clean Energy as follows:

  1. For a customer with Non-Time of Use (TOU) Rates: The cost/(credit) associated with any net usage/(production) during the customer’s normal billing cycle shall be determined as follows: If the eligible customer-generator is a “Net Consumer,” as determined by usage exceeding production during a discrete billing cycle, the eligible customer-generator will be billed in accordance with the eligible customer-generator’s OAS. If the eligible customer-generator is a “Net Generator,” as determined by production exceeding usage during a discrete billing cycle, the net energy production shall be valued at the OAS plus a NEM production premium of $0.01/kWh. The value of all net energy production during the billing cycle shall be credited to PCE customers as described in Section (3).

  2. For a customer with TOU Rates: If the eligible customer-generator is a Net Consumer (as defined above) during any discrete TOU period, the net kWh consumed during such period shall be billed in accordance with the eligible customer-generator’s OAS. If the eligible customer-generator is a Net Generator (as defined above) during any discrete TOU period, net energy production during each TOU period shall be valued in consideration of the eligible customer-generator’s OAS plus a NEM production premium of $0.01/kWh, applying OAS rates to the quantity of energy produced within each TOU period. The value of all net energy production during the billing cycle shall be credited to Peninsula Clean Energy customers as described in Section (3).

  3. Monthly Settlement of Peninsula Clean Energy Charges/Credits: NEM customers will receive a statement in their monthly PG&E bills indicating any accrued charges for their usage during the billing cycle. Customers who have accrued credits during previous billing cycles will see these credits applied against current charges. Any remaining balance will be due and must be paid in consideration of the due date and remittance advice reflected on each PG&E bill. When a customer’s net energy production results in a net bill credit during any billing cycle, the value of any net energy production during the billing cycle shall be noted on the customer’s bill and carried over as a bill credit for use in subsequent billing period(s).

  4. Peninsula Clean Energy Annual Cash-Out: After the April billing cycle of each year, all current PCE NEM customers with a credit balance of more than $500 will receive a check from Peninsula Clean Energy as compensation for the accrued escrow credit balance. Annual cash outs are capped at $20,000 through April 2024, and any escrow credit balance over that threshold is forfeited and retained by PCE. Effective the 2024-2025 NEM year, the new annual cash out cap will be set to $10,000. Customers will have an equivalent credit removed from their NEM account balance at the time of check issuance. Customers who have a credit balance of less than $500 will have their credits applied as a bill credit on the following billing period. Customers who close their electric account through PG&E or move outside of the Peninsula Clean Energy service area prior to the April billing cycle of each year will have their NEM credit balance settled 60 days after their account closure.

  5. Return to PG&E Bundled Service: Peninsula Clean Energy customers with NEM service may opt out and return to PG&E bundled service at any time. Customers should be advised that PG&E will perform a true-up of their account at the time such customers return to PG&E bundled service. As described in PG&E Electric Rule 23 (, certain PCE customers returning to PG&E service may receive Transitional Bundled Service (TBCC) for a limited period of time; TBCC will expose such customers to various market price risks – please review PG&E’s applicable electric rules and tariffs for additional information.

  6. PG&E NEM Services: Peninsula Clean Energy NEM customers are subject to PG&E’s terms, conditions and billing procedures for any non-generation services, as described in PG&E’s Electric Schedule NEM and related PG&E tariff options addressing NEM service. Customers should be advised that while Peninsula Clean Energy reconciles payment/credit balances for generation on a monthly basis, PG&E will continue to assess charges for delivery, transmission and other services. Most NEM customers will receive an annual true-up from PG&E for these non-generation services.

Customers are encouraged to review PG&E’s most up-to-date NEM tariffs, which are available on PG&E’s website:

Annual Cash-Out checks

Customers with solar credit balances below $500 may request to receive their credit via check during the April Annual Cash-Out. Note: If your solar credit balance is above $500, you will automatically receive a check during the April Cash-Out.


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Illustrations of clean energy initiatives: a business owner, solar-powered home, and EV charging station.