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California Community Power Releases Request for Offers Seeking 200 MW of Firm Clean Resources

News Release -

October 26, 2021

California Community Power Releases Request for Offers Seeking 200 MW of Firm Clean Resources

Proposals are due December, 2021

Monterey, Calif. – California Community Power (CC Power) has issued a Request for Offers (RFO) for up to 200 megawatts (MW) of Firm Clean Resources through one or more projects, with deliveries beginning no later than June 1, 2026. Firm Clean Resources produce renewable energy on demand and include geothermal and biomass sources. The RFO may be found at Proposals are due December 13, 2021.

On June 24, 2021, the California Public Utilities Commission (“CPUC”) issued Decision 21-06-035 requiring load serving entities, including CC Power members, to procure long lead-time clean resources to address mid-term reliability. The decision mandates new generation with at least an 80 percent capacity factor that has zero on-site emissions, or otherwise qualifies under the California Renewable Portfolio Standard program eligibility rules.

“CC Power was founded to provide an additional and optional procurement alternative for participating CCAs to leverage economies of scale, and cost-effectively procure clean energy resources that meet state procurement mandates, while advancing the shared climate goals of each member,” said Girish Balachandran, CC Power Board Chair and Silicon Valley Clean Energy CEO.

The Firm Clean Resources RFO follows a set of enhanced conditions that the CC Power board adopted for its first, joint procurement of up to 500 MW of long-duration storage in October 2020. The guidelines state that CC Power will also consider workforce and environmental concerns for projects through enhancing the conditions imposed on project developers for workforce, the environment, and environmental justice.

CC Power is a Joint Powers Agency, comprised of 10 California Community Choice Aggregators (CCAs) – Central Coast Community Energy, CleanPowerSF, East Bay Community Energy, MCE, Peninsula Clean Energy, Redwood Coast Energy Authority, San José Clean Energy, Silicon Valley Clean Energy, Sonoma Clean Power and Valley Clean Energy. CC Power membership and project participation is voluntary as each CCA has local, board-adopted priorities and guidelines, and each governing board votes to participate in projects identified by CC Power.

The Firm Clean Resources RFO is the second joint procurement effort for CC Power. The first is for the long-duration storage procurement, which is still ongoing. On October 8, the CC Power board provided notice of its intent to consider a 69 MW/552 megawatt hour energy storage project to be built in Kern County, California. Negotiations are still ongoing, but CC Power is expected to enter into an Energy Storage Services Agreement for this project in December 2021.

CC Power procurement decisions are discussed during noticed, public meetings of the CC Power board. Meeting information is available at


About California Community Power
California Community Power is a Joint Powers Agency comprised of ten California Community Choice Aggregators (CCAs). The agency allows its member CCAs to combine their buying power to procure new, cost-effective clean energy and reliability resources to continue advancing local and state climate goals. California Community Power members represent over 3 million customers across more than 145 municipalities spanning from Humboldt County to Santa Barbara County. Learn more at

Media Contact
Pamela Leonard, Communications Manager
O: 408-721-5301 x1004


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