Business Rates
Medium Commercial
Summer - June 1 through September 30
Winter - October 1 through May 31
Filter by Rate Schedule
Select Rate Schedule
Medium commercial
Summer Off-Peak
Energy ($/kWh)
- Peninsula Clean Energy Rate
- $ 0.10315
- With PG&E Surcharges*
- PG&E Generation Rate
- $ 0.11524
- $ 0.12804
Medium commercial
Summer On-Peak
Energy ($/kWh)
- Peninsula Clean Energy Rate
- $ 0.18337
- With PG&E Surcharges*
- PG&E Generation Rate
- $ 0.19546
- $ 0.21718
Medium commercial
Summer Part-Peak
Energy ($/kWh)
- Peninsula Clean Energy Rate
- $ 0.13090
- With PG&E Surcharges*
- PG&E Generation Rate
- $ 0.14299
- $ 0.15888
Medium commercial
Winter Off-Peak
Energy ($/kWh)
- Peninsula Clean Energy Rate
- $ 0.10393
- With PG&E Surcharges*
- PG&E Generation Rate
- $ 0.11602
- $ 0.12891
Medium commercial
Winter On-Peak
Energy ($/kWh)
- Peninsula Clean Energy Rate
- $ 0.13421
- With PG&E Surcharges*
- PG&E Generation Rate
- $ 0.14630
- $ 0.16255
Medium commercial
Winter Super Off-Peak
Energy ($/kWh)
- Peninsula Clean Energy Rate
- $ 0.07122
- With PG&E Surcharges*
- PG&E Generation Rate
- $ 0.08331
- $ 0.09257
Medium commercial
Summer Off-Peak
Energy ($/kWh)
- Peninsula Clean Energy Rate
- $ 0.11899
- With PG&E Surcharges*
- PG&E Generation Rate
- $ 0.13108
- $ 0.14564
Medium commercial
Summer On-Peak
Energy ($/kWh)
- Peninsula Clean Energy Rate
- $ 0.20382
- With PG&E Surcharges*
- PG&E Generation Rate
- $ 0.21591
- $ 0.23990
Medium commercial
Summer Part-Peak
Energy ($/kWh)
- Peninsula Clean Energy Rate
- $ 0.14830
- With PG&E Surcharges*
- PG&E Generation Rate
- $ 0.16039
- $ 0.17821
Medium commercial
Winter Off-Peak
Energy ($/kWh)
- Peninsula Clean Energy Rate
- $ 0.11965
- With PG&E Surcharges*
- PG&E Generation Rate
- $ 0.13174
- $ 0.14638
Medium commercial
Winter On-Peak
Energy ($/kWh)
- Peninsula Clean Energy Rate
- $ 0.15158
- With PG&E Surcharges*
- PG&E Generation Rate
- $ 0.16367
- $ 0.18186
Medium commercial
Winter Super Off-Peak
Energy ($/kWh)
- Peninsula Clean Energy Rate
- $ 0.08695
- With PG&E Surcharges*
- PG&E Generation Rate
- $ 0.09904
- $ 0.11004
Medium commercial
Summer Off-Peak
Energy ($/kWh)
- Peninsula Clean Energy Rate
- $ 0.08301
- With PG&E Surcharges*
- PG&E Generation Rate
- $ 0.09510
- $ 0.10567
Medium commercial
Summer On-Peak
Energy ($/kWh)
- Peninsula Clean Energy Rate
- $ 0.16114
- With PG&E Surcharges*
- PG&E Generation Rate
- $ 0.17323
- $ 0.19248
Medium commercial
Summer Part-Peak
Energy ($/kWh)
- Peninsula Clean Energy Rate
- $ 0.11008
- With PG&E Surcharges*
- PG&E Generation Rate
- $ 0.12217
- $ 0.13574
Medium commercial
Winter Off-Peak
Energy ($/kWh)
- Peninsula Clean Energy Rate
- $ 0.08385
- With PG&E Surcharges*
- PG&E Generation Rate
- $ 0.09594
- $ 0.10660
Medium commercial
Winter On-Peak
Energy ($/kWh)
- Peninsula Clean Energy Rate
- $ 0.11340
- With PG&E Surcharges*
- PG&E Generation Rate
- $ 0.12549
- $ 0.13943
Medium commercial
Winter Super Off-Peak
Energy ($/kWh)
- Peninsula Clean Energy Rate
- $ 0.05114
- With PG&E Surcharges*
- PG&E Generation Rate
- $ 0.06323
- $ 0.07026
¹ PG&E surcharges are calculated using the 2016 vintage Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA) and Franchise Fee rates