Business Rates & Billing
Business electricity rates
Clean, low-cost energy for your business, explained.

Keep costs down & profits up
PCE provides electricity at lower rates than PG&E—supplying your business with clean energy and no additional cost.
When you’re in business, every penny counts. We get it. That’s why we do everything we can to keep your energy rates as affordable as possible and keep profits and savings where they belong: in your business.
Our rates are cheaper than PG&E's. How?
We’re a not-for-profit: it’s that simple.
The fact that the electricity you get from us is from clean sources is a big bonus you can brag about to your customers, employees, and friends.
We leave the profits and savings on your balance sheet. Our job is to provide affordable, clean, and reliable energy that helps your business grow.
Electricity Rate Options
Choose what’s best for your business
The default PCE service is our lowest-rate option: ECOplus, which gives you 100% clean electricity sourced from at least 50% renewable sources.
If you want your electricity to come from 100% renewable sources, you can easily switch to our ECO100 rate option, which costs 1.5 cents more per kWh.
If you are on ECO100 and would like to move to ECOplus, you can do that, too.
For businesses who want the lowest-cost electricity available.
For businesses who want to balance low-cost electricity with the cleanest available electricity.
2025 Commercial Rate Comparison, B-19S
This compares electricity costs for an average commercial customer in our San Mateo County service area with an average monthly usage of 27,611 kilowatt-hours (kWh). This is based on a representative 12-month billing history for all customers on the B-19S Voluntary rate schedule for PG&E and PCE’s published rates as of February, 2025.
Monthly usage:
27,611 kWh
Average Monthly Bill
PCE Generation Charge
PG&E Delivery Charge
Monthly usage:
27,611 kWh
Average Monthly Bill
PCE Generation Charge
PG&E Delivery Charge
Monthly usage:
27,611 kWh
Average Monthly Bill
Generation Charge
PG&E Delivery Charge

On Your Bill
Understanding your
monthly bill
Simple: PCE sources your electricity. PG&E delivers it.
You may ask, “Why are my PCE electricity charges showing up on a PG&E bill?”
That’s because we use PG&E’s wires and poles to deliver our electricity to your business, which is why you see charges from both PG&E and Peninsula Clean Energy.
To make it easy for your accountant, you receive just one monthly bill from PG&E.
PCE's energy generation charges, explained
Look for the line item on your bill that says “Peninsula Clean Energy Generation Charges” (see example below). This is your assurance that you’re getting cheaper and cleaner electricity from us. This charge would be higher if you used PG&E’s electricity. The rest of your bill is PG&E charges for infrastructure and other fees collected by PG&E.
Want to see more details about PCE vs. PGE charges on your bill?
Rate Details
A deeper look at our rates
Find more details about PCE rates based on type, seasonality, and time of use compared to PG&E rates.
More Savings
Cost-reduction programs for businesses
No matter where the savings come from, we want to help your business save on electricity costs and increase profits.
Here are some opportunities to do that through programs outside of PCE that may be right for your business.
Emergency Load Reduction Program (ELRP)
Your business can get $2 per kWh for decreasing the electricity used (a.k.a. load reduction) during an emergency.

Have more questions about your rate plan?
We have dedicated advisors to help you make the decision that meets your business needs.
You can fill out the contact form or call us directly at the number provided.
If you call, please have your PG&E account number available.
Keeping up with PCE
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