Building an Inclusive Future
Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, & Inclusion
Our commitment
Peninsula Clean Energy is committed to fostering a culture of belonging, fairness, and accessibility. We believe in empowering everyone—within our organization and across our community—to thrive by embracing diversity, promoting equitable practices, and advancing opportunities that serve all.

Explore our DEAI initiative
Peninsula Clean Energy’s Board of Directors passed a robust Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion (DEAI) Policy in October 2022.
This policy states:
Peninsula Clean Energy has a vision of a sustainable world with clean energy for everyone. We recognize there are longstanding systemic barriers that impede the advancement of fair and inclusive policies and limit the full participation of historically underserved and disadvantaged communities. This includes our stakeholders that face the most adverse impacts from economic, health, and environmental burdens. Peninsula Clean Energy recognizes that we have an obligation to maximize our efforts to eliminate disparities and ensure that our programs, policies, and practices are inclusive and accessible for everyone in the geographic markets we serve.
See the full text of the DEAI policy below.
Peninsula Clean Energy staff worked with a consultant to draft a detailed DEAI Action Plan to implement this policy. The Board of Directors approved this DEAI Action Plan in May 2023.
Click here for a one-year update from May 2024 on the implementation of the DEAI Action Plan.
Peninsula Clean Energy’s Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, & Inclusion Policy
Peninsula Clean Energy has a vision of a sustainable world with clean energy for everyone. We recognize there are longstanding systemic barriers that impede the advancement of fair and inclusive policies and limit the full participation of historically underserved and disadvantaged communities. This includes our stakeholders that face the most adverse impacts from economic, health, and environmental burdens. Peninsula Clean Energy recognizes that we have an obligation to maximize our efforts to eliminate disparities and ensure that our programs, policies, and practices are accessible, inclusive, and safe for everyone in the geographic markets we serve.
Peninsula Clean Energy commits to making diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion a priority during decision making. We firmly uphold diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion as core values. The Peninsula Clean Energy team, including all staff, Board of Directors, committees, and community groups, is committed to this DEAI policy. This policy is a foundation for operating our business and Peninsula Clean Energy’s goals as detailed in the Strategic Plan 2020-2025.
The Peninsula Clean Energy DEAI Policy 22 will help guide our work in the DEAI space. This document outlines the definitions, application, details, responsibility, enforcement, and communication of the policy. As the DEAI Policy explains what the agency will do in terms of DEAI initiatives, the DEAI Action Plan will cover how the agency will integrate DEAI initiatives into our programs, policies, and practices and strive towards our mission to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by expanding access to sustainable and affordable energy solutions. Both the DEAI Policy and Action Plan are in compliance with Peninsula Clean Energy’s operational policies.
- Diversity:
Diversity is the presence of differences in people within any community, that may include, but is not limited to race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, neurodiversity, socioeconomic status, language, (dis)ability, age, or veteran status. An intersectional approach to diversity goes beyond merely counting different kinds of representation in a group, but also recognizes differences in power dynamics between different identities, and how to equitably include and empower individuals from different backgrounds to participate within groups, decision making processes, and social justice movements. - Equity:
Equity acknowledges historical factors that created oppressive societal structures and recognizes that we do not all start from the same place and must make adjustments to imbalances by providing power or resources to historically oppressed groups and persons. Equity promotes justice, impartiality, and fairness within the procedures, processes, and distribution of resources by institutions or systems. - Accessibility:
Accessibility means persons with disabilities are provided with equal opportunity to acquire the same information, visit the same places, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same services as persons without disabilities. Accessibility means a commitment to removing a variety of barriers, including institutional, physical, informational, communication, attitudinal, and cultural. - Inclusion:
Inclusion outcomes are met when you, your institution, and your program are genuinely inviting to all. It is based on the degree to which diverse individuals can participate as appropriate in the decision-making processes and development opportunities within an organization or group thus empowering them.
This policy applies to all Peninsula Clean Energy Staff, Board of Directors, and Community Advisory Committee (CAC) members, and is in compliance with the specifications of Peninsula Clean Energy’s operational policies.
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Peninsula Clean Energy Leadership and Staff: Both leadership and staff will be responsible for utilizing the DEAI Policy when implementing the activities and initiatives listed in the DEAI Action Plan.
- Board of Directors: The role of the Board of Directors is to provide oversight of policy compliance and ensure that Peninsula Clean Energy staff follow and integrate the DEAI policy within the agency’s programs, policies, and practices.
- Community Advisory Committee (CAC): The role of CAC is to provide comments, advice, and recommendations to improve or enhance DEAI initiatives.
- Peninsula Clean Energy Leadership and Staff: Both leadership and staff will be responsible for utilizing the DEAI Policy when implementing the activities and initiatives listed in the DEAI Action Plan.
- DEAI Commitment
Peninsula Clean Energy has established this policy as a commitment to making diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion a priority within the organization. The organization commits to developing and supporting equity fluent leadership. This policy will also support the goals and objectives as stated in the DEAI Action Plan, which is a separate strategic document that outlines actions to implement reasonable and achievable DEAI initiatives throughout the organization. - Recruitment
Peninsula Clean Energy will aim to recruit, promote, and retain a qualified diverse workforce that is reflective of the communities we serve, especially workforce populations that are underserved and underrepresented.
Recruitment, promotions, and retention practices should be transparent and in compliance with Peninsula Clean Energy’s human resources and operational policies.
- Onboarding
Peninsula Clean Energy will expand the onboarding process to communicate the organization’s commitment to DEAI and support all employees to feel welcome and have the needed information to thrive at the organization. Additionally, during the onboarding process, Peninsula Clean Energy will inform incoming employees of how they can be involved in the agency’s DEAI efforts. - Compensation, Employee Review Scoring, and Promotions
Peninsula Clean Energy supports fairness in employee compensation and performance reviews.
Peninsula Clean Energy will develop human resource practices to competitively compensate incoming and current employees through salary, benefits, and other amenities that appeal to a diverse workforce.
Additionally, Peninsula Clean Energy will enhance employee performance reviews and include DEAI metrics to measure employee accountability and development. These metrics will be tied to key performance indicators in the Strategic Plan and will be taken into consideration during compensation adjustments.
- DEAI Learning and Development
Peninsula Clean Energy understands the importance of involving employees in discussions regarding DEAI and ensuring that all employees have access to learn and develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities. All Peninsula Clean Energy leadership, employees, Board, and Citizen Advisory Committee members will participate in formal DEAI learning and development opportunities to expand their knowledge and awareness in the DEAI space. - Professional Development
All Peninsula Clean Energy staff will be provided equitable professional development opportunities, including DEAI specific learning, to maintain, improve and strengthen their knowledge, expertise, and competence to perform their job duties and execute on the Strategic Plan. - Leadership and Staff Accountability
Peninsula Clean Energy leadership and staff are expected to support the DEAI Policy and be held accountable for upholding DEAI values throughout the agency.
Through the DEAI Action Plan, Peninsula Clean Energy leadership and staff will establish a list of DEAI priorities and how best to measure results to improve the agency’s programs, policies, and practices. By doing this, Peninsula Clean Energy will be able to collect data to drive and assess the DEAI impact on the organization internally and externally. Peninsula Clean Energy will ensure that the priorities align with the Strategic Plan and ensure leaders are involved in setting DEAI goals. Peninsula Clean Energy staff will provide a semi-annual progress update to the Board of Directors on DEAI initiatives, and an annual report during the annual Strategic Plan update.
- Supplier Diversity
Peninsula Clean Energy will make best efforts to encourage the participation and utilization of a diversity of suppliers and vendors on contracts and procurements within the parameters of applicable state and federal law. Peninsula Clean Energy will track and report on its progress regarding small, local, and diverse business entities spend amounts in its annual Supplier Diversity reports to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). Additionally, Peninsula Clean Energy will conduct reasonable research to ensure that the companies that Peninsula Clean Energy works with are also committed to advancing and promoting equity.
This is in compliance with Peninsula Clean Energy’s operational policies and California Proposition 209.
In compliance with Proposition 209, Peninsula Clean Energy does not give preferential treatment based on race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin. Peninsula Clean Energy encourages minority-owned, women-owned, veteran-owned, small, and local businesses to respond to solicitations. Peninsula Clean Energy supports the CPUC’s efforts to create supplier diversity and encourages contractors who may qualify to register with the CPUC Supplier Clearinghouse and the Department of General Services Small Business and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises programs.
- Accessibility
Peninsula Clean Energy is committed to providing equitable access and opportunity to individuals with disabilities in all programs, services, and activities. Peninsula Clean Energy recognizes that in order to have equally effective opportunities and benefits, individuals with disabilities may need reasonable accommodations made to practices and procedures.
Training: Peninsula Clean Energy leadership will be required to participate in DEAI learning and development that includes education on how to hire and create an inclusive culture for people with disabilities as well as respond to accommodation requests made by internal and external stakeholders.
Accommodation Requests: Peninsula Clean Energy will respond to internal and external accommodation requests by providing equitable access to staff and the public. For internal requests, Peninsula Clean Energy will ensure reasonable accommodations are made for employees with disabilities so that they are able to perform the essential duties of their jobs without physical or procedural barriers. For external requests, Peninsula Clean Energy will make a good faith effort to address accommodations by removing barriers to ensure stakeholders have access to public participation in Peninsula Clean Energy programs, services, and activities. Accommodation requests may include, access to public meetings, interpretation/translation language services, large print outreach/program materials, closed captioning/live transcriptions, and accessible public facilities.
Website: Peninsula Clean Energy websites must follow and be compliant with Americans with Disability Act (ADA) and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). The websites should be accessible to people with disabilities and audited at least annually to ensure accessibility. - Communication & Outreach
Peninsula Clean Energy will utilize an equity lens when developing and distributing communication and outreach materials for programs and projects to improve informational awareness and increase inclusion and accessibility throughout the communities we serve.Some examples of ensuring equity in Peninsula Clean Energy communications and outreach include, but are not limited to, providing outreach materials in languages needed to reach target populations, using imagery that mirrors the diversity of the communities we serve, using terminology that is gender neutral and respectful, and providing accommodations for people with disabilities and other accessibility needs.
- Energy Generation and Programs
Peninsula Clean Energy will adopt policies, programs, and practices to achieve energy equity for low-income and disadvantaged households.These groups may include a disproportionate number of households on fixed incomes and people of color as they utilize a larger share of their income on energy bills, straining budgets and putting these households at a heightened risk of utility shutoffs during times of economic hardships.Peninsula Clean Energy will seek input and gain feedback from a wide and diverse set of community members when developing policies, programs, and practices.
Peninsula Clean Energy will also ensure that programs are designed and evaluated through an equity lens to give underserved and underrepresented communities (all rate payers and program participants) equitable access to Peninsula Clean Energy programs.
These efforts will be in compliance with Peninsula Clean Energy’s operational policies.
Every part of the organization is responsible for implementing this policy as described in Section 3a, Roles and Responsibilities. In addition, Peninsula Clean Energy will establish a staff-led DEAI Council that will be responsible for operationally implementing this policy throughout the organization.
- Monitor and Measure
The DEAI Council will monitor and measure all DEAI commitments and initiatives through the DEAI Action Plan and will be responsible for identifying areas of progress and areas needing improvement.The DEAI Council will also oversee the implementation of the DEAI initiatives and report progress to the Peninsula Clean Energy Board of Directors and leadership team on a semi-annual basis.
All employees are expected to understand and share the responsibility of upholding the Peninsula Clean Energy DEAI Policy. If an employee or community stakeholder notes that a section of the policy is not being upheld, they should bring it to the attention of Peninsula Clean Energy’s Human Resources Director or one of the members of the DEAI Council. After review by the Human Resources Director or a member of the DEAI Council, concerns will be brought to the attention of Peninsula Clean Energy executive leadership and appropriate action will be taken.Policy Review
The Peninsula Clean Energy DEAI Council will be responsible for performing an annual review of the DEAI Policy and modifying and updating the document if there are any major changes needed. The DEAI Council will present proposed updates to executive leadership and the Board of Directors for their approval.
The Peninsula Clean Energy DEAI Policy will be posted and available on the Peninsula Clean Energy public website.
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